November 6, 8AM
December 4, 8AM
November 16, 11AM
January 8, 6:30PM
Charter schools are tuition-free, public schools open to all students regardless of zip code, race/ethnicity or ability level. To apply for the current school year (2024-2025), please email
What is a Public Charter School?
New Jersey public charter schools are mission-driven public schools held to high financial, academic, and managerial standards by the designated authorizer - the New Jersey Department of Education - which oversees all public charter schools in the state.
HoLa’s “charter” is a contract with the New Jersey Department of Education, defining the school’s mission, program, performance goals and methods of assessments.
Public Charter Schools in New Jersey
Operate on a 5 year performance contract that focuses on student outcomes.
Meet all state laws related to health, safety, civil rights, certification, academic standards and student assessment.
Follow transparency requirements such as public records and open meetings laws.
Must meet specific financial, academic and operational standards.
Governed by an independent, non-profit Board of Trustees comprised of volunteer members.
For more information about Charters visit New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association.
HoLa’s Admissions Lottery
October 1, 2024 at 9AM
January 9, 2025 at 5PM
January 23, 2025 at 9AM
HoLa is a FREE and public charter school that is open to all. Admission to HoLa is based on a random lottery held annually in January for the upcoming school year.
No previous exposure to a second language is required. A waitlist is created in case seats open.
Lottery Preferences
The priority order for lottery admission and the waitlists is:
  1. Siblings of students who are currently enrolled at HoLa
  2. Hoboken residents
  3. All out-of-district (non-Hoboken) residents
If, by the application deadline, applications exceed the number of spaces available for a given grade, HoLa hosts a public lottery. All selected students are notified immediately and must submit a proof of residency within 48 hours.
Weighted Lottery
In 2015, HoLa became the first charter school in New Jersey to implement a weighted lottery system in favor of economically-disadvantaged families - as approved by the NJ Department of Education. In 2018, the NJ Department of Education approved HoLa expanding its weighted lottery preference to include English Language Learners.
Today, HoLa still offers a 3x application weight for families who qualify for either type of lottery preference (one weighted preference per applicant). Parents must show proof of qualification before the lottery deadline.
Economic Disadvantage
Weighted Lottery
Child lives in public or Section 8 housing. Child/family receives SNAP and/or qualifies for free or reduced price lunch.
English Language Learner
Weighted Lottery
The child is neither a native English speaker nor able to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English.
Once all seats are filled through the lottery, applicants are placed on the waitlist. Any applications submitted after the deadline are added to the end of the waitlist in the order received. The waitlist remains active for the school year for which the student has applied. The State Department of Education requires charter schools to reset waitlists each school year.